“The essence of leadership; it’s about who you are and being clear about your values.”


Are leadership concerns and challenges the same at the director level vs. the executive level?
It is similar around development. At the director level, how does one identify emergent leaders? What kind of training and coaching is available? Are resources available? Do people want to give up their current area of expertise and take on a supervisory role and the responsibilities that follow? What are the trade-offs for prospective leaders?
At the executive level, the questions are slightly different. The “leader” has already made the decision to move up the ladder. The question becomes “how far are they going to go?” and “Can I help them develop to see out wider in the organization and how the organization interfaces with the community that it serves or the customers that it serves outside of the organization?”
The aim of the work is similar but the execution looks a little bit different.
The purview of the most senior people typically is that they are much more external facing than the directors below who are much more internal facing. Each level has a different impact on the organization.
How do you see leadership courage being the same or different from the senior or executive level to their direct report?
The consequences may be different at the different levels of the organization. However, the magnitude of the issue does not dictate the level of courage. A narrower issue does not take any less courage.
Being able to step up in whatever arena can demonstrate the ability to move on in management. Being courageous without being obnoxious.
The importance of not alienating everyone when you speak out is an important part of succeeding in an organization.
Sharing courageous stories can have a valuable impact on leadership training.
Courage reveals who you are, what your real values are, what you really think is important.