I'm at home for a brief stop between two events that I've anticipated all year.

The Consultants' Retreat and Network (founded in 1997 by my friend Norm K.) celebrated its 10th anniversary year this week. We gathered in Newport, Oregon, USA, once again for a week of unexpected surprises, generous idea-sharing, and the kind of insights into my practice that I've come to expect from the event. Charlie Poole convened it this year.

As time passes, I will discover more benefits from attending, but so far I have a very cool new sweatshirt and a terrific quote from Rosabeth Moss Kanter, "Everything looks like a failure in the middle." I'll be sitting with that one for a while. Deep implications there. (BTW, Rosabeth didn't attend. Ainsley Nies brought a book that had the quote in it.)

Later today I catch a flight to London for the Agile Business Conference , and the Leadership Summit preceding it. I'm presenting two workshops at the conference. On Wednesday, "Retrospectives for Positive Change" and on Thursday, " Collaboration" with Pollyanna Pixton.

While I'm in London, Rachel Davies invited me to attend the XTC meeting on Tuesday night. Very exciting. After having heard about XTC for so many years, I feel privileged. It's legendary.

Recently I watched "V for Vendetta" (Netflix rules!) so I'm all primed for Bonfire Day as well.